Friday, March 20, 2009

WhY So StUpiD?

Wa Bo Lui So I need To Draw MonEy....

Was Q-ing behind this Chap

He was Complaining to his wifE that His AtM card Gt Stuck Inside The MachInE afTer the Transaction is DoNe.....

And I was Just Standing rIght Behind Him...

ANd tHe StupiD thing Is THAT Me, after Knowing Wad had Happened..

Still can SonG sonG push My CARd inTo ThaT StupiD Machine, thinking maybe Nt So cHuN waN ma...

after a few secs, The Screen OF the ATM reflect...

ThIS MAChINe Is TEmporary Out oF Service...

NNB! and there GoEs my Card too! and Worst thing is I have Yet to withdraw any Cash before it SUCK my Card! Chao NEH NEH!

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